A slice of our lives

3 March 2016

Here are some news in bulk that I sent to our parents.  – Sounda

I often think of you…  And I have so much to write about what we experience every day in our world without routine. Alas, I don’t have the energy to stay up late like Sylvain and I’m also developing during this trip the ability thinking about myself, my inner happiness and my body. This means that I respect myself more and I live the present moment in a state that is increasingly peaceful. My personal balance and happiness emerge as winners. As is often said, there is nothing perfect !!!
We left the end of the world yesterday afternoon: Tortugero! It took us three hours by car and an hour and a half boat to get there … It is a very special area that is accessible only by boat; on the way there, we navigate into narrow rivers where the residents are alligators, monkeys, sea birds, sloths, toucans, etc. (We saw everything!). Our lodge was between this mysterious brown river surrounded by lush vegetation and the Caribbean Sea. What unusual landscapes … unheard of!


After having a CRAZY day to get there, we had to get up very early (5:15) in the next day to participate in a boat trip for 2 hours to see the wildlife around the river. Upon our return, we engulfed breakfast and then we had a walk through the jungle with rain boots that have proven most useful. It was a very interesting activity, but quite muddy! It’s not every day that we have the opportunity to hike in a humid jungle, muddy, bustling with life. Our boots were sometimes caught in the mud because of the suction. Many effort were dedicated to avoid losing our boots in the mud !! Lohan managed to lose his two boots in the mud; lucky that I caught him in flight to prevent him from falling down entirely!


The rest of the stay was relaxing; we made big naps and long nights (Sylvain included)! This 3 night stay without Internet has been very beneficial. This is what is needed from time to time, even for Sylvain!
We are Guapilles right now, and this for 3 days. One day will be devoted to activities in the National Park Braulio Carrillo (visit the canopy by cable car, butterfly farm, frogs and snakes, and forest walks). The following days will be dedicated to school, swimming in the river (crystal clear water in the middle of the forest), hunting insects … The lodge site is beautiful and the Dutch cook really well. Tonight we requested a vegetarian meal which we LOVED !!! Over time, our taste for food is changing. For various reasons, including taste and ecological footprint, we are becoming more and more vegetarian. And the kids love to eat vegetarian too …


Mael is progressing well in his 1st grade program despite the lack of routine in our lives. Luckily he learns quickly! The main challenge remains his focus during the school periods, which fluctuates daily. We understand that making school in all kinds of venues and between activities can be challenging. Also, there are no friend (s) around to stimulate, to encourage him. A few months ago, I began to teach him how to repeat positive mantras and we can see the impact that it had. Thank you to Marie-Lise for this great tip! For example, he said more and more that school is his friend. He understands better why he shall not complaint when it comes time to sit in front of his books. If he think positive with a good attitude, then his brain will work better!
His interest in insects grows constantly. He is very intense! He’s in hunting mode from the moment he wakes up to the time he’s closing his eyes at the end of the day … Lohan follows him everywhere like a personal assistant because he enjoys hunting too! Mael learned so many things during our long journey and he loves to share them with whomever is around. His ability to get in touch with anyone to show and teach them about his insects is impressive. With few words in English or Spanish, he managed to attract people to his finds! He makes friends among children and adults everywhere where we go and people are impressed by his discoveries, his people skills, his ability to express his passion. His sense of observation is AMAZING. Often, he’s the one showing the guide where he saw a frog, an insect, an alligator or a snake!DSC02930

Lohan talking more and more … He has a very extensive vocabulary and he’s starting to use articles in his sentences so they are almost complete. Mamie sees the huge difference between now and December. Sylvain is working hard on his language skills during school time and we encourage him to say complete sentences in everyday life. He is now able to participate in some of our conversations … What a joy! In short, he’s catching up with where he should be.

Lohan is a master in the art of being expressive with his face, his hands and his intonation. But he still had to get rid of his extreme shyness with people he does not know! He is very motivated by school and learns well. Hes much more focused than Mael and has less the need to move on his chair. Lohan began learning the kindergarten program that I used with Mael. The fact that we can teach him at his absorption rate is an asset as he learns so quickly.


In short, children are fulfilled during this trip. The fact that we have to move every 3 to 6 days poses no problem. They are always happy to know that we will have the privilege of discovering a new place. They are understanding, patients and enthusiastic in all our travels. The brothers became best friends. They are a great team. We give them each a gold medal !!

For us too, we have a lot of satisfaction and pleasure. The fact that we live in our luggage is not a problem. We are well established and quite effective. Traveling this way for several months could become a burden, but for this 4-month itinerary, it was perfect.



Mamie Lise loves her trip. Her popularity is very high so she feels fulfilled! We travel slowly so she has the time needed to rest. What a joy to share our lives with her! Mamie knows now how we live our journey with ups and downs. This foray into our family privacy is very beneficial both for us and for her.

See you soon!

With love,



Where are we in Costa Rica?


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